Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Week 7, Things 16 and 17

This week I experienced the Wiki. In my opinion, the Wiki is not a reliable and trustworthy source of information because anyone can add, edit or delete content of a subject being looked up. If I want true and reliable information, I would go to an encyclopedia website, and so you won't find me using Wikis. I don't trust them.
I looked at the Book Lovers Wiki where you can choose a category of a book and then read reviews from others. And you know what you can do to their reviews? You can add, edit, or delete their review. So why bother with Wikis?
Then I looked at Library Success: A Best Practices Wiki. A great website for Librarians!
A "one-stop shop for Librarians."

I looked at the Maryland Sandbox Wiki and listed categories of various topics and I picked "Favorite Foods". I added an entry to the favorite foods listings. It was interesting reading about others favorite foods, favorite vacation spots, pets, etc.....

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